Happy International Freelancer Day!

You make every day about your clients, let’s make today about YOU.

The future is freelancing

The 9-5 life? It’s on the decline. But you already knew that. With around 46.5% of the total global workforce working for themselves, we’re working with a new reality. So we’re taking time today to celebrate the source of all that outsourcing success: Freelancers!

Join in on the celebrations in three easy steps:


We know you love to freelance. But now we want to know why. We’re hosting a one-day social media contest, and we want you to answer the prompt “I freelance so I can…”

So how do you enter?

Show Us

Want a chance to win up to $1,000? Let’s see why you freelance!

You can either create a video answering the prompt or use the prompt as inspiration to use your visual services to demonstrate why you freelance in your own way (think graphic, illustration or even a song). Get creative, have fun, share it with us on social, and you might see your submission win big!

Want some inspiration? We’ve got you covered.

I freelance so that I can sing out loud while working!

Tell Us

Words more your thing? Post a quick tweet or status update on social media completing the sentence “I freelance so I can…”. Those with the most creative responses have a chance to win up to $100.


While being a freelancer comes with tons of perks, we know there are also some challenges. Apply for Fiverr’s Freelancer Wellness Grant, created in partnership with The Freelancers Union, for a chance to receive a $500 microgrant that you can use to directly support the wellness-related costs of your choice.

Thank you, for everything you do!

A special message from the Fiverr team...

Not a freelancer on Fiverr yet? Let’s fix that.